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So I finished playing it I guess. It was wild how Marlowe was constantly not-good w him, which is definitely understandable given she wants the emotional attachment in a family but he wants a family as a survival thing AND has her body being used without her consent, alongside feeling as weak as she did that time. If you're too nice to him, you're going to die--and if you are not nice to him, you will die in that case too. I could sympathise with the Amoeba and hell, I understood that he loved her, but in his's love when he sets her free, yes.

I guess Marlowe would have been acting better if that child was never in the picture, dunno. Either ways, it was a great game.


very interesting to say the least... many mixed opinions but i dont necessarily mean that in a bad way. the dedication put into the surreal backgrounds - and of course, the writing - is absolutely stunning, cant deny that :3


This is so good! Had me screaming a lot. I was torn between feeling sad for him and being scared of him getting me killed (and the spooky children....) but I love horror and otome!!! This is basically a love child of the genres I love, it's so toxic though that what makes it so good, everything just makes sense!

I also would like to ask for help on how to get the last CG. If this isn't a good place to talk about it, I don't mind talking on twitter! I really just want to see everything this game has to offer

Thank you so much! You can download the guide for the game, it should be able to help you out. It's at the same place on the game page you downloaded the game.


i luv this ;-; welp, ngl i have no idea how but it kinda scared me- oh well- idk if i'm stupid but i just find him so adorable and wholesome, even if he killed the player, ik he's probably was manipulating us but STILL IDC HE'S CUTE lmao


I should've listened when a friend told me this would be traumatizing. I have very mixed feelings but I cant deny that this is really well written


i've never felt genuinely uncomfortable from a game and this definitely changed that...! i am at a loss for words...

(1 edit) (+2)

This was definitely an interesting game... which is exactly what a horror game should be! The way that certain emotions were conveyed made me also have an honest emotional reaction of disgust and oh dear god what is this, which is what I love in a horror game (this is not an insult I love this game)! The art is also, like they said, hauntingly beautiful. The music definitely adds to the atmosphere of the game. Loved this game, would totally play it again. 

good storyline, horrifying, would play again, 9.5/10


This game is sickening just like a horror game should be good job!


This was the most beautifully detailed game I have ever seen, I loved Niall's appearance and the dynamics with the virus, the way it messed with our vision and the scenery.

It reminded me a lot of an abusive and toxic relationship, it works that way, I think I will go to a psychologist after this game because the first choice I made was to die with him LOL

I can't click on the A and D buttons with joiplay. Can you please port this game to android?


When the parasite guy started crying, for a moment I caught myself feeling really bad for him. Then I had to remind myself he's killing us.

I think I can consider this game a psychological horror because I have never felt so immersed in such a screwed up scenario like this one. If you're thinking of playing this game, do it.

la idea es muy atrayente y sin duda los efectos visuales me han encantado. el personaje tiende a ser muy aprensivo y eso suele causar una sensación de apego hacia él, 

(1 edit) (+10)(-1)


The team did their research, the game teach you how agreeing to maintain toxic relationship can kill you and how to "cure" it. You can feel sympaty for the amoeba as you can feel sympaty for a real life person who is manipulating you.

Beware people, dont fall in this trap! 


3 months I know but I drew that comparison just now and gods, it's actually quite closer than I initially thought. When a person just hurts by existing / being around they just won't go because just because they "love" someone despite knowing that the other person is hurting to at least some degree which is beyond their control.


i'm so glad you realised it!

I got worried because a lot of  people in the comments seemed to feel pity for the amoeba and saying they need "a ending where him and the protagonist could stay together" and things along with those lines. 

...That's exactly how the bait of a toxic people/relationship works....

(1 edit) (+2)

I'm sure their just saying that because its a game ya know


...or they didn't understood the moral of the story. Just in case.

Deleted 342 days ago

hella late but...okay valid lolz both of our answers could go either way

neat little game, enjoyed alot!




whelp this game touched on a phobia I didn't even know I had and one I'm aware of. Didn't know fear of pregnancy had a name


Me too... the game made me realize I had this phobia, and it was the first time I heard about it




10/10 best game ive ever played i cried so hard im still crying lmao wtf



My name is Lina, I'm a team leader of a russian fan made group "VNka":

We translate japanese and english visual novels to other languages.

Our group have many finished projects:

I really like your novel " Parasite in Love".

Could you possibly give us permission to translate it into russian?

(1 edit) (+4)

This is absolutely incredible. I've played through three times now, and have gotten 4 of the 4 endings, all of which were satisfying. As a person with tokophobia myself, it was a bit rough to get through those portions, but they weren't as explicit as I expected, so it wasn't that bad. The sound effects and voice acting were very immersive. The combination of the distorted sounds and visuals really make the seriousness of the illness very apparent. Overall, I really enjoyed this.


My god, this was such an intense visual novel. I love how there was truly real consequences and the way that Marlowe was so affected by everything. I love the design of this visual novel, everything was designed so well and uniquely made for the vn down to the microscope part at the setting and the cool little tricks that were made like typing at Spooktgle (lol). I also love how unique the story is, like, I think the amoeba one kinda reminds me about Venom but here, there truly is a real sense of death. The sense of urgency that is felt throughout those 10 days?? Absolutely chilling. 

And meeting Niall and seeing how disconnected he is from the true horrors he's inflicting Marlowe. Just, perfect to how absolutely blind he is. I mean yeah, he's an amoeba (I genuinely didn't expect someone to "anime"-fy an amoeba... Genuinely) and also a parasite. The fact that there wasn't any explicit violence or subtle manipulation that is prevalent in many visual novels that feature a yandere (because as I played, I came to the conclusion that Niall is in fact a yandere), here there is hardly any of that, and instead it just use psychological horror. Especially with the family focus because the intention is pure (Marlowe wanting a family to love, Niall wanting a "family" because it's a species thing) and how absolutely twisted it all was when these two versions of "family" collided.

I'm curious what happens to Marlowe after she dies in one of the ending. Will Niall use her corpse as a breeding ground or something like a mushroom thingy? And what about Marlowe's family because the story makes it a point to see how close Marlowe is to her dad?

Also the voice acting in Day 10. My god, superb, especially with how Marlowe's VA, Coda, had to voice Marlowe's lines as though she was speaking it through gritted teeth. AND THE ENDING WHERE MARLOWE SCREAMS NIALL'S NAME AND CRIES?!??!?! Girl/Dude/Friend, I was shaking, I have baby goosebumps, there was so much emotion of anger, helplessness, like everything was pouring out. If Niall could hear Marlowe from beyond the lake, I genuinely wonder if he thought Marlowe was grieving losing him and the children--

Also side note, it was absolutely terrifying hearing Niall's VA, Trickle, voice the mad lines of how Niall would continuously multiply-- Like, oh my god I was screaming for Marlowe-- AND THE BUTTONS?! I pretty much pounded them as I kept silently screaming "MARLOWE LIVE!!! MARLOWEEEEE MARLOWE LIVEEEEEEEE!!!" My god, I had a near crying fest when I thought Marlowe died but she managed to pull through.

I'm so sorry for this long comment, I just have a lot of emotions at this visual novel. Like, it felt so long BUT IT WASN'T?! When you cram a lot of stuff in like, days in a case, it can feel overwhelming and rushed. But this was paced so well that it felt like the days were getting short even though so much was happening. The way the plot built itself in order for the series of events to happen is so cool and just, the art and design of this visual novel is so top tier I cannot, I'll gush about it, I swear I will.

Like c'mon, I spent a good few minutes "ooh"ing and "aah"ing at the title screen as it rotated. Like. It was actually embarrassing... And oh god when I went through the Saves and Extras... Man. Anyway great visual novel! I could really tell you guys worked your asses for it, everything was so pretty (aesthetically, this is quite the grizzly tale), the story was unique and just, mm, and I felt so satisfied by the endings. Just, wonderful! Great job to everyone involved in it!!

Does anyone know where I can find the CG gallery? I've been look through the game files and can't find the CG gallery anywhere. Please help! I would like to make an edit of this game.


hey sorry for the question but is the MC a female? or AFAB? i didn’t specify in the intro post.


Marlowe, the MC, is a cis-gender woman

if only i could've been nicer towards the end he was so sweet. this is a great story

(7 edits) (+8)

THIS IS SUCH AMAZING WORK OMGGGGGG!!!!! I can tell you guys put TONS of effort into this! I've been playing visual novels for over a decade now, and I'd say most of my free time is spent playing them. I gotta say that this is the first game to do such cool and amazing visual effects like this! This is true art at its core, I found this not only very innovative and unique but also done so WELL at that. You guys' visual effects almost made the game in itself feel extra it felt as if it truly tapped in to the "viewer's eye"; essentially like the audience's screen and the Z-axis plane of the screen and made them a part of the world you created. Not in the sense of something like VR or being "isekaid" but just the frame of the screen itself, my laptop monitor, being a part of the narrative experience. Sorry if that's majorly confusing, I hope it makes sense lol. And there were also multiple layers to the visual effects, which further added to the dimensionality. (Like the vignette and the circle overlay and the superimposition, etc.) I just think it was really amazing that you guys were able to make something so immersive. Hats off to the coding and graphics that deserve some sort of award. Like honestly, there is no VN game I've found that's just like this out here. Honestly everything was so perfect, I was thoroughly creeped out and I was blown away by the writing, voice acting, art, characters and music as well. The often thankless and unseen work of the editor, marketers, and the multiple directors can't be ignored, and I give them acknowledgement as well for a game well done because without them, it wouldn't be the same at all!

This is kind of a side paragraph, but I thought it was really cool how the infection manifested its own defense by causing her hallucinations and not allowing her to seek help. Really cool and artistic portrayal of science. I actually do find it really cool in general how processes that happen in the body can genuinely manifest/be interpreted by our body in such ways. (For instance, hallucinogen the body goes through a bunch of different things to process those drugs and how that scientific process somehow causes our minds to interpret visual hallucinations. Or how something like ASMR, where the mind interprets sound, is "translated" to give physical comfort down your spine. Like how can sound waves do that lol?!) I think it's cool how the mind interprets things and it's interesting to imagine that something that would infect the brain would also be able to craft its own defense like this.

Saved best for last what I was most excited to speak about: Like someone else mentioned, you wove together so WONDERFULLY the themes surrounding family, love, loneliness into the horror/conflict here...I can tell you would make an amazing long game if this is what you were able to do in such a short time frame. I watched a video essay recently where someone discussed that the horror genre in film is their favorite because it's truly the best for weaving in deeper themes as such and do well at showing character development...After playing this, I completely understand what they mean. It's interesting to see how the character has to overcome their inner turmoil first in order to beat the antagonist in horror films, and I feel like that same structure applied to this game. You can take the conflict at face value of her attempting to rid herself of this illness and still enjoy it. You can also take it as the MC having to face herself, face her fear and loneliness, trying to make peace with certain things and learn to express her emotions again. I think an even longer game outside of jam constraints could've gone more in depth with this too. But you truly have amazing character development skills to be able to showcase all of this in such a short time frame, and with such good pacing too which is very difficult to have in the first place with normal time constraints, let alone within a jam's time constraints.

I'm, so incredibly amazing. these sorts of unsettling and depraved games are my favorite type and it's even more great to experience a yandere-like character. I can gush about this game forever but I think I've went on enough haha. Just really wanted to share with you guys how much I enjoyed what you created. I really hope you all have future projects that you will be working on because I can't get enough! Thanks for sharing your art and vision with us here! You guys should definitely get some sort of award for this game lol.

(1 edit) (+8)

I FOUND OUT HOW TO GET THE GOOD ENDING! okay so hear me out. You have to build a relationship with him. Don’t be rude the whole time, but don’t be super nice nice the whole time either. First you have to be on the edge (rude) at first , but when he asks about the baby, you have to say it’s beautiful, And then later on, towards the end when the father question comes up, you have to say, “i doubt you actually know what a great father is, niall ” it’s not the rudest one, but it’s not the nicest option either, which is perfect. So your welcome ppl. Reply if works, cuz it worked for me.🥰


This is one of the most disturbing but incredibly creative yandere games I have ever played.  I don't know how to get the good ending without breaking Nialls heart.  I feel sorry for the little bugger but I am also ahhh Marlowe is dying because of this amoeba in love!  


now i'm sad ;w; i wish i could've at least had some nice thoughts about him i wanted to come back to him even though i suffered a lot cause just like me hes lonely and just wants a family i dont wanna leave the poor thing in the lake , i dont care how much i suffer i just want "niall" to be happy with marlowe even though marlowe doesnt like him much


aww I feel the same way! 🦋

(1 edit) (+2)(-2)

right! he loves you too , he really loved you even though he made you suffer he didnt me to so this doesnt mean you have to hate him so much

(1 edit) (+8)

This was really well-done! The visual effects were suitably disturbing and genuinely evoked well what being knocked out with fever (and an annoying boyfriend) feels like.
I didn’t expect the family/loneliness themes in the horror from the way people talked about this game but they worked so well. The VN also made me think of Parasite Eve (the novel) by Hideaki Sena which does the same but with the reverse gender; it was as horrifying but a very interesting dynamic.


I don't know how to download if possible please make an android version please

git gud


Wow! I only had time for one ending at the time of playing but plan on going back to find the others! Such an Unique idea and the creep factor was high for me ( I may never go swimming in a lake again...} 

what an incredible game! I got all 4 endings! amazing concept and story!


Really unique story and immersive. Love the concept


This is a unique game! I've done all the endings and I very like it! Can you add Vietnamese in this game? I want to share this game with my friends


This was such a unique and utterly chilling game to play. My fear of pregnancy and medical horror didn't help LOL (also shoutout to the ui, art, and music for really solidifying that eerie vibe)

(1 edit) (+3)

The voice acting, backgrounds and animations were SO GOOD! Really immersive and natural. The CG's were creepy too, I can't say body horror is my thing, but it was definitely an interesting experience. Everything was built around the concept, so I was satisfied when I got all the endings.

The concept of this game was so intriguing! Not to mention Niall was quite a looker lol! Loved it! I did a gameplay of one of the endings if anyone wants to watch!

Can u make an android Version ?  ^^""

Ive gotten all the endings but cant seem to unlock the distorted embrace music, can someone tell me how to get it

PLEASE I've been trying to follow the instructions to download it and I'm still confused 🧍(I've been trying on my Mac)

Deleted 232 days ago
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